Introducing LEFTTURN Podcast
After witnessing the outcome of the 2016 election, I felt a strong urge to take action. Despite being occupied with my work at 2Leaf Press, I was unable to fully engage with social justice organizations. As a result, I decided to focus on something within my expertise. I had been intrigued by podcasts and saw an opportunity to create one that would explore the intersection of arts, social justice, and politics, leading to the creation of LEFTTURN Podcast.
I established a website and lined up guests, but encountered technical obstacles. At the time, the costs associated with addressing these issues were prohibitive, and I had to shelve the project. Fast forward to 2022, with the advent of COVID-19 and the widespread use of Zoom and other video conferencing platforms, the landscape for podcasting has changed significantly. The technical obstacles I had previously faced had largely disappeared with more resources, making it more feasible to produce a podcast. Additionally, I recognized the scarcity of Black women hosting political and social justice podcasts so I felt compelled to revisit the idea of LEFTTURN Podcast, especially given the current state of affairs.
I couldn’t commit to producing weekly podcasts throughout the year, so I’ve decided to pre-record a season consisting of 18 episodes. This approach allows my team and me to concentrate on developing high-quality episodes that are both informative and entertaining. In addition to the audio podcast, we have also chosen to produce a video version for YouTube and Vimeo, enabling us to reach a wider audience.
The rise of video podcasting reflects the evolving nature of content consumption, with people now being not only listeners but also viewers, participants, and critics. Importantly, video content can attract new listeners and provide existing fans with a fresh way to engage with the show. The podcasting industry has experienced significant growth in recent years, reshaping the landscape of media consumption, with more American consumers tuning in to podcasts than ever before. Despite this, LEFTTURN Podcast will always prioritize audio and will be distributed to a wide range of platforms.
We intend to launch the LEFTTURN Podcast in April 2024. We are currently completing bookings and developing the podcast, and will provide updates on our progress. Make sure to subscribe to our mailing list and RSS feeds for regular updates. Welcome to LEFTTURN Podcasts. Until next time, cheers.
—Gabrielle David, host of LEFTTURN Podcast